Manage your business accounts across multiple banks
With Universal Banking at Colony Bank, you can establish a consolidated cash position for all your locations nationwide — even if you have multiple accounts with different financial institutions.
You can choose:
Inbound Universal Banking to receive other banks' account information
Outbound Universal Banking to send your Colony account information to other financial institutions
We’re Changing The Way You Bank.
Real-Time Planning:
Universal Banking enhances your ability to determine your company's current cash position and lets you initiate real-time transactions.
Expense Reducer:
With Universal Banking, you eliminate the need for multiple bank transmissions, software, or phone calls just to get account information. It also allows you to consolidate all your account activity into a single download.
Next Level Efficiency:
You can automate your financial recordkeeping and eliminate the manual task of monitoring account balances and activity.
CONTACT US for more information on Universal Banking.
Download your Universal Banking Instructions below: